Guest Live Features

This section is only for streamers that are new or not doing majority outdoor IRL content or are not regularly doing outdoor IRL content but is doing a compelling or great level of Outdoor IRL content for a special event like a road trip. Submit a live streamer’s stream to me and contact me with their Twitch/Youtube/Mixer ID.

Want to work with Outdoor IRL and get a sponsored special event showcase?

What does include into the sponsorship?

• Front page priority focus, shown on a special event page, and possible on the guest feature page too.
• Every other day or 3rd day promoted on OutdoorIRL’s twitter.


• You have a !OutdoorIRL chat command on the stream title during the special event stream(s) at all times.
• Chat command provides a brief description on what is Outdoor IRL and link to
• Chat timer that runs the above command at least once an hour.
• Verbal mention 2 times minimum per stream.

If interested, please go to the contact page